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Interim Pastor- Rev. Tupper Garden

Organist- Bethany Anderson 

Choir Director - Lisa Kegley

Clerk - Ann Reeves

Pianist- Janet Flory

Treasurer- Gail Cook

Children's Worship and Wonder - Diane Blair and     Margaret Hurst

Nursery Attendant - Kirsten Woodyard

Communications Scribe- Jane Graham

Video Operator - Leona Reed

Custodian - Kristen Gress




The Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) has a representational form of government.  This means that local congregations elect a group of elders called a session to serve as the governing body. 


Elders are men and women who strengthen and nurture Christian faith and oversee the life and work of the church as guided by Scripture and the Confessions of the PC(USA). 


As elected by the congregation and ordained to serve God, elders submit joyfully to the Lordship of Christ in all aspects of life.  Elders serve the session for three years but are ordained for life.


The current Clerk of Session is Ann Reeves

Class of 2024


Jim Cook

Elaine Claffey

Dave Dobyns

Teresa Leonetti

Class of 2025


Bethany Anderson

Peggy Fletcher

Sarah Jones


Class of 2026


Terry Blair

Martha Parker

Ann Reeves

Jim Stout

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